County Coordinator

102 South Seventh Street
Petersburg, Illinois  62675
1st Floor, Menard County Courthouse

Phone: (217) 632-4412

Fax:  (217) 632-4124

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

County Coordinator: Dara Worthington
Administrative Assistant: Jill Lounsberry

Description of Services

The County Coordinator is appointed and serves directly under the Board of Commissioners. The County Coordinator acts as a liaison between the Board of Commissioners' Office and the other elected officials, department heads, employees and the public. Some of the other duties of the County Coordinator are as follows:

  • Oversees various projects for the Board of Commissioners' Office.
  • Serves in the role of group benefits administrator, dealing with employee health insurance.
  • Coordinates risk management activities, including processing workers' compensation and property/casualty claims.
  • Prepares ordinances and resolutions as needed.
  • Works with the county's third party computer support firm on various computer network issues and projects. Provides maintenance on the county's web site content.